I’m curious…
What does a PRODUCTIVE day look like to you?
How do you feel when you read the word ‘productive’ in all CAPS? For me, there are days when the word feels overwhelming and I have a hard time getting started.
Sometimes, I get pissed off at that word. How dare that word have such a grasp on my day! I don’t wanna be “PRODUCTIVE” today…
I decided to change he word to …productive…I know the word is spelled the same, but it is no longer “Big & Bold” & in your face. The word is more inviting, has a different meaning, and not so scary.
Let me explain…
Being productive can be resting, taking your dog for a walk, reading, talking with a friend, eating a meal in silence with no phone, a hug from someone you love, or a sauna/swim.
These things are important for me to be able to fill orders, build my product line, work on designing labels, & Bookwork. Without, my day gets consumed and I start to feel more like a robot than a person.
Finding that balance…or I like to say, ‘having a well-rounded day’ is important…especially now. Without connection during your day, my creativity slows. Not just connection via my phone or other people, but connection to the outdoors, my furry friends, silence & solitude, rest, healthy meals, and laughter.
Next time you’re not feeling PRODUCTIVE…create some ‘well-roundness’ to your day so you can be productive.
-making a difference through small changes-
(photo taken on the Gunflint Trail, Minnesota by me)